Gene Sterling in Teenagers from Outer Space
Gene in Teenagers From Outer Space

Half Way to Hell
Poster for Half Way to Hell.

“the leader”

The Leader is commander of a distant planet rife with unrest. When a young officer, Derek, goes missing on a recon mission, he must leave the planet at once to search for the boy … his only son, and future ruler of their world.

Gene Sterling was born in Texas, but as a child his family moved to Los Angeles, where he grew up. Gene happened to be a multitalented artist, but living in Los Angeles, he eventually became interested in pursuing the movie business. In 1957 Gene donated $14,000 to produce Teenagers from Outer Space, and to play The Leader. He and Tom Graeff were friends, as they shared similar social circles, and much of the film’s post production took place at the Hollywood home of Gene’s elderly mother.

When the film bombed, Gene tried again in another low budget feature, 1961’s Half Way to Hell. When that didn’t pan out either, Gene returned to his first love, fine arts. A painter and art connoisseur, Gene opened an art gallery in Laguna Beach in the mid 60’s where he showcased local talent. On the side, he pursued his own art, old-master style portraiture.

Gene passed away in 1986.

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